2D Shooter project for MSU CAS 117

Major Modifications:

  1. Created a new level 1 that introduces all the enemies
  2. Created a new level 2 that introduces a new hazard, a black hole
  3. Created two new enemies and one new hazard by modifying the provided assets.
    1. Big straight shooter - Modified straight shooter that is a different color and shoots larger bullets
    2.  Alien space station - Enemy object that does not attack, but serves as an objective to kill
    3. Black hole - Map hazard that instantly kills any character it comes in contact with

Minor Modifications:

  • Made it so that the player sprite blinks when taking damage
  • Added a lives display, health display, and enemies left display
  • Fixed a bug where when chaser enemies ran into an asteroid, they counted as 2 enemies defeated
  • Re-used my custom menu and level music from the 3D platformer project


  • Created by David Oh
  • Menu and level music created by David Oh
  • All other art, audio, and scripts from MSU CAS 117 taught by Professor Brian Winn


ohdavid2-Windows.zip 27 MB
ohdavid2-MacOS.zip 36 MB

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